breastfeeding baby

Do You Need Vitamins While Breastfeeding?

Families are encouraged to breast/chest feed exclusively for the first 6 months until complementary foods are introduced.  This means nothing besides breastmilk, and medication if necessary. Then you bring your baby to their first pediatrician appointment and they encourage a vitamin D or iron supplement.  Why?  Doesn’t breastmilk have everything the baby needs? Do you…

Breastfeeding and drinking wine

Breastfeeding Myths Debunked!

Breastfeeding myths have been around since, well, since breastfeeding itself.  Somehow, breastfeeding myths have gravitated into that grey area of true and false.  Where did they come from?  Some are cultural, some come from personal experience.  And let’s face it, some are just completely made up fabrications.  The following are some common breastfeeding myths debunked. Gassy…

breastfeeding baby

Home Remedies For Sore Nipples

The value and benefit of breast/chest feeding for both baby and parent are undeniable.  There are countless studies out there to substantiate why breastfeeding is advantageous.  But what happens when breastfeeding hurts?  How do you continue? Painful breast/chest feeding is one of the main reasons parents abandon feeding altogether and switch to artificial feeding.  Let’s…