There are some incredible lactation consultants and breastfeeding advocates out there. I follow so many of them on social media, but it’s hard to keep up with all of them. The cool thing about breastfeeding advocates is that they all seem to have a specific focus, or reason for becoming an advocate in the first place. As a lactation consultant myself, I can assure you I did not grow up with the idea of being a lactation consultant. Something draws you into this field, for me it was breastfeeding my own kids, experiencing breastfeeding multiples, and lack of support. I picked a few of my favorite advocates to highlight here, and if you aren’t following them yet, you will want to start!

Amy McGlade is the Breastmilk Queen. Based in Australia, she has a large community and offers support for breastfeeders, and hosts the “Breastfeeders Club”. She makes her own breastmilk jewelry and breastmilk soap, and she offers courses to teach others how to do it, too. Amy can be found as @thebreastmilkqueen on Instagram and The Breast Milk Queen on Facebook. She posts beautiful photos breastfeeding her own children, along with helpful, supportive tips and photos of breastfeeding families in her community.

Kimberly Seals Allers is a mother, an award-winning journalist, a leading authority on issues relating to mothers of color, and founder of, a pregnancy and parenting lifestyle destination and blog for Black families. A leading consultant, commentator, and public speaker on Black motherhood experience, Kimberly is also a highly respected advocate in the fight to reduce the high infant and maternal mortality rates and increase the low breastfeeding rates in the Black community. Kimberly is also the founder of @theirthapp, which is a Yelp-like app to address racism & bias in maternity & infant care. I cannot say enough about Kimberly, and the impact she has made in the world of breastfeeding, maternal-child health, and women of color. She can be found on Instagram @iamksealsallers and Facebook Kimberly Seals Allers

Miesha is a mom, wife, registered nurse, certified lactation educator and soon to be Lactation Consultant, or IBCLC. Miesha and her family live in Orange County, California. Miesha quickly realized that the breastfeeding world needs more women of color, and she is a strong breastfeeding advocate for families everywhere. Miesha offers a membership to her community, and virtual breastfeeding classes as well as breastfeeding support. Miesha can be found on social media as @thenursemilk

Jasha is a trained Doula, student midwife, breastfeeding advocate, and creator of Native Breastfeeding Week. Native Breastfeeding Week is the second full week of August (last year August 9-15, 2020), right in the middle of World Breastfeeding Month. Native Breastfeeding Week has active social media accounts all year round, which boasts beautiful photos and education surrounding the culture of Indigenous people. Follow them here Native Breastfeeding Week and @nativebreastfeedingweek

Abby Theuring is the Badass Breastfeeder. Abby is my partner on the “Badass Breastfeeding Podcast.” Before we connected to start the podcast, Abby had built a huge community as a breastfeeding advocate and blogger for breastfeeding families everywhere. The Badass Breastfeeder blog and podcast is where families turn to feel support and validation surrounding their decisions regarding breastfeeding and attachment parenting. Abby started The Badass Breastfeeder after she was shunned for breastfeeding in public, and over the years has supported thousands of families by posting beautiful photos, offering encouragement, and being an overall cheerleader regardless of your feeding choices. Abby can be found on social media as @thebadassbreastfeeder and on
These are my top 5, but there are so many amazing breastfeeding advocates to learn from. Each offers something different. If you aren’t following any of these amazing humans, they are a great place to start. Once you’re there, check out the other fantastic advocates they support too.